Welcome to Showroom and Workshop at Bergshöjden 6, Sundbyberg. Weekdays 10:00 – 18:00
Welcome to Showroom and Workshop at Bergshöjden 6, Sundbyberg. Weekdays 10:00 – 18:00
Welcome to Showroom and Workshop at Bergshöjden 6, Sundbyberg. Weekdays 10:00 – 18:00
Welcome to change clothes
Gallery of Customer Projects
Welcome to change clothes
Gallery of Customer Projects
Welcome to change clothes
Gallery of Customer Projects
We are proud to combine design, innovation, and quality in everything we create. Our goal is to give your furniture a new life, regardless of their age or style.
We are proud to combine design, innovation, and quality in everything we create. Our goal is to give your furniture a new life, regardless of their age or style.
We are proud to combine design, innovation, and quality in everything we create. Our goal is to give your furniture a new life, regardless of their age or style.
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Besök vårt Showroom och Verkstad
Bergshöjden 6, 174 45 Sundbyberg
Har du en fråga?
Fyll i formuläret så återkommer vi inom kort
Besök vårt Showroom och Verkstad
Bergshöjden 6, 174 45 Sundbyberg
Har du en fråga?
Fyll i formuläret så
återkommer vi inom kort
Besök vårt Showroom och Verkstad
Bergshöjden 6, 174 45 Sundbyberg
©2024 Klä Om AB; All Rights Reserved. Org.nr: 559378-2690
Designed with ♥️ & ☕️ in Profound Labs
©2024 Klä om AB; All Rights Reserved.
Org.nr: 559378-2690
Designed with ♥️ & ☕️ in Profound Labs
©2024 Klä Om AB; All Rights Reserved. Org.nr: 559378-2690
Designed with ♥️ & ☕️ in Profound Labs